Legazpi Eye Center

From Solo to Group Practice: How Legazpi Eye Center Successfully Gathered Multiple Ophthalmologists from Bicol and Manila

In the heart of Bicol, where access to specialized eye care was once limited, two visionaries went on a mission to build a comprehensive eye care facility called Legazpi Eye Center. This blog delves into Dr. Rollo and Dr. Rosita Milante’s journey from humble beginnings to the establishment of a thriving group practice that has gathered multiple ophthalmologists from Bicol and Manila.

A Vision for Accessible Eye Care

At a time when ophthalmology was relatively unknown in the province of Albay, Dr. Rollo introduced this specialized field and sought to build Legazpi Eye Center. Recognizing the need for innovation and acquisition of advanced technologies, Dr. Rollo maintained his practice in Manila while simultaneously building the Center with the help of Dr. Rosita. This approach allowed him to stay connected with the field and ensure that the highest standards of care were offered to Bicolanos.

Group Practice

Nurturing Relationships and Building a Stellar Team

One of the key challenges in expanding the reach and services of Legazpi Eye Center was the need for additional ophthalmologists. Dr. Rollo leveraged his network in Metro Manila, where he established strong connections through his practice at University of Santo Tomas Hospital. He began inviting his former students, who had become skilled ophthalmologists, to join him in Bicol. These were individuals he knew not only for their technical competence but also for their shared values and commitment to excellence. By forming a team of like-minded professionals, Legazpi Eye Center provided a wider range of services and catered to a growing patient base. Get to know our team of exceptional doctors here.

Leveraging Synergies and Cost-effectiveness

One of the significant advantages of transitioning from a solo practice to a group practice was the ability to pool resources and share expenses. Ophthalmic instruments are among the most expensive medical equipment. By joining forces, they could collectively invest in state-of-the-art technology and leverage each other’s specialties, enhancing the quality of care and treatment options available to their patients.

Dr. Rosita’s Exceptional Role in Overcoming Administrative Challenges

Transitioning from a partnership to a SEC-registered corporation presented the group with various regulatory and administrative hurdles. They had to navigate licensing requirements, implement point-of-sale systems, and establish efficient operational processes. Among the team, Dr. Rosita played a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth transition and managing the administrative aspects needed to grow the practice. Her expertise in administration and operations proved invaluable, as she learned the intricacies of running a center that went beyond being a mere clinic. Because of this, Legazpi Eye Center emerged as an exemplar of operational excellence, combining medical expertise with efficient management practices to deliver outstanding patient care.

Bringing Specialized Eye Care to Bicol 

The group practice allowed Legazpi Eye Center to offer more comprehensive services to its existing patient base, primarily comprising adults and geriatric patients, and reach new segments such as pediatric patients. By assembling a team of skilled ophthalmologists, the Center brought world-class expertise to the region, eliminating the need for Bicolanos to travel to Manila for specialized eye care. The convenience and accessibility of specialized services within Bicol not only improved the quality of care but also reduced the financial burden on patients and their families. 


Legazpi Eye Center continues to transform the landscape of eye care in Bicol, offering comprehensive services and bringing specialized expertise closer to the community. Through our unwavering commitment to excellence and patient-centric care, Legazpi Eye Center has not only improved the lives of countless individuals but also left an indelible mark on the region’s healthcare system.

Legazpi Eye Center